PooranLaw OnDemand (the POD) is your online portal to lawyer-led training materials and courses on topics that matter to you.

Hi, we're PooranLaw!

Our team provides essential legal services and resources to people who have a disability, families, and not-for-profit organizations.

New Course:

Employment Contracts: Foundation for Success

Join us as we walk through what should be in an employment contract, what key clauses mean, and how to deal with special cases we see in the DS sector.

This 2-hour course is an in-depth session on drafting employment contracts that will help minimize organizational risks.

Let's jump right in!

Your Step-by-Step Guide to Transitioning to ONCA

This is a great primer course to take before you start your transition to Ontario Not-for-Profit Corporations Act (ONCA). This 50-minute pre-recorded session provides an overview of the practical steps Boards and organizations will need to take to ensure they are compliant under the new legislation.

Let's get started!